Friday, September 11, 2009

Nightshades <3 Erik

I have a knack for growing members of the nightshade family.

My record was 40 tomato plants in my urban garden in Saint Paul (no, that's not overkill you heretic!). They did well, but nothing like my results last year. The plants were approaching 7' tall before I trimmed them back.

Tomatoes are difficult to work with in this climate, however. A late spring or early frost kills off the plants during their highest period of productivity. I tried building a cattle panel greenhouse this spring, but wasn't able to complete the project ... the plastic sheeting was simply too toxic to work with.

I planted potatoes instead this year, and ... well, the pattern holds.

I know potatoes are easy to grow, but damn.

Now if I could only learn how to grow a radish :)

2 Comments, Post a Comment:

Joel said...

You might start with daikon. Those things have Hari.

Erik said...

Thanks, will try them next year.