Thursday, September 24, 2009

Upcoming Posts

No, I haven't abandoned the blog :) I'll have more up over the weekend.

I'm simply very weak from toxin exposure right now.

2 Comments, Post a Comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear that you've been toxicated. I make up words as I go along in life. I just made that one up just now. Toxicated, toxified,'s a horrible feeling. The world is so toxidious and it sometimes feels like the it's out to get me. Not the people...just the world itself. Maybe not out to get me exactly, but certainly shutting me out. Maybe this isn't what you need to hear right now.

Anyway, I feel for you. It's not fair when our energy is suddenly sapped. It makes me angry, sad, confused, depressed, and I can't explain what all else every time it happens to me. There I am going along in life, and then BAM, something hits me, and I'm forced into a time-out that I'd not planned on.

I hope you're feeling better by the time you read this.

Erik said...

Thank you :)